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Video How-To: Make An Espresso

Video How-To: Make An Espresso

In this video, Skyler shows you how to use the Breville Barista Express to pull the perfect shot.

Making Espresso with Breville Barista Express

History Snapshot: Espresso, the robust and concentrated coffee, has its origins in 19th-century Italy. The espresso machine was patented in 1884 by Angelo Moriondo, paving the way for the quick and intense coffee experience we enjoy today.

Equipment Needed:

  • Breville Barista Express
  • High-quality espresso beans
  • Scale


  • Espresso beans: 18 grams (single shot) or 36 grams (double shot)


  1. Preheat Machine: Turn on your Breville Barista Express and allow it to reach the optimal temperature. Ensure the portafilter is in place during preheating.
  2. Grind Coffee: Use 18 grams of espresso beans for a single shot or 36 grams for a double shot. Grind the beans to a fine consistency using the built-in grinder.
  3. Tamp Coffee: Distribute the grounds evenly in the portafilter and use the tamper to apply firm, even pressure.
  4. Insert Portafilter: Lock the portafilter into the machine, choose the single or double shot option, and start the extraction process.
  5. Watch and Enjoy: Observe the beautiful espresso extraction, aiming for a single shot in about 25-30 seconds and a double shot in 30-35 seconds.

Amusing Note: Remember, it's "espresso," not "expresso." No need to rush – good things come to those who wait, especially when it comes to a perfect espresso shot!


  • Single Espresso:
    • Espresso beans: 18 grams
  • Double Espresso:
    • Espresso beans: 36 grams

Experience the delight of crafting your espresso with the Breville Barista Express – a perfect balance of technology and tradition!