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Video How-To: Make A Latte (Hot & Iced)

Video How-To: Make A Latte (Hot & Iced)

In this video, Charmichael shows you how to make the perfect latte (hot & cold).

Making Lattes at Home: A Creamy Cup of Joy

Did you know? The word "latte" actually means milk in Italian. In a traditional Italian latte, you'll get a glass of milk, not the espresso and steamed milk combo we know today.

Equipment Needed:

  • Breville Barista Express
  • High-quality espresso beans
  • Scale


  • Espresso beans: 18 grams (single shot) or 36 grams (double shot)
  • Milk
  • Ice (for Iced Latte)

Steps for Hot Latte:

  1. Preheat Machine: Turn on your Breville Barista Express and let it reach the optimal temperature. Ensure the portafilter is in place during preheating.
  2. Grind Coffee: Use 18 grams of espresso beans for a single shot or 36 grams for a double shot. Grind the beans to a fine consistency using the built-in grinder.
  3. Tamp Coffee: Distribute the grounds evenly in the portafilter and use the tamper to apply firm, even pressure.
  4. Extract Espresso: Lock the portafilter into the machine, choose the single or double shot option, and start the extraction process.
  5. Steam Milk: While the espresso is brewing, steam the milk using the steam wand. Heat the milk until it reaches a velvety texture, not exceeding 150°F (65°C).
  6. Pour and Enjoy: Pour the steamed milk over the espresso shot, creating a delicious hot latte. Add some latte art if you're feeling fancy!

Steps for Iced Latte:

  1. Follow Steps 1-4 above.
  2. Pour Over Ice: Fill a glass with ice and pour the freshly brewed espresso over it.
  3. Cool Milk: Steam the milk as in the hot latte, then let it cool. Pour the cooled milk over the espresso and ice.
  4. Stir and Enjoy: Give it a good stir and relish the refreshing taste of your iced latte.

Amusing Note: While Pumpkin Spice is a seasonal favorite, there's a whole world of flavors to explore in lattes. Try caramel, vanilla, or hazelnut for a delightful twist – because why limit your palate to just one flavor when it's cold outside?


  • Single Hot Latte:
    • Espresso beans: 18 grams
    • Milk: Varies to taste
  • Double Hot Latte:
    • Espresso beans: 36 grams
    • Milk: Varies to taste
  • Single Iced Latte:
    • Espresso beans: 18 grams
    • Milk: Varies to taste
    • Ice
  • Double Iced Latte:
    • Espresso beans: 36 grams
    • Milk: Varies to taste
    • Ice

Experience the creamy joy of crafting your latte with the Breville Barista Express – a perfect blend of espresso and steamed milk!