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Video How-To: Make An Affogato

Video How-To: Make An Affogato

In this video, Naoemi shows you how to make the classic Vanilla Affogato!

Vanilla Affogato – A Timeless Delight

Did you know? The Italian word "affogato" translates to "drowned." This delightful treat earned its name from the moment it was created when a scoop of gelato or ice cream was "drowned" with a shot of hot espresso.

Equipment Needed:

  • Espresso machine or strong brewed coffee
  • High-quality vanilla ice cream or cashew-based alternative
  • Espresso cups or small dessert bowls


  • Espresso: 1-2 shots
  • Vanilla ice cream: 1 scoop


  1. Brew Espresso: Prepare 1-2 shots of espresso using your espresso machine or a strong brewed coffee if an espresso machine is not available.
  2. Scoop Ice Cream: Place a generous scoop of high-quality vanilla ice cream or cashew-based alternative into an espresso cup or small dessert bowl.
  3. Pour Espresso: Immediately pour the freshly brewed espresso over the scoop of ice cream. The heat of the espresso will start to melt the ice cream, creating a delightful blend of hot and cold.
  4. Serve Immediately: The magic of the Vanilla Affogato lies in its simplicity. Serve promptly, allowing the contrasting temperatures and flavors to harmonize.

Benefits of Using Plant-Based Ice Cream:

  • Dairy-Free Delight: Plant-based ice creams offer a delicious alternative for those with lactose intolerance or choosing a dairy-free lifestyle.
  • Cashew-Based Creaminess: Cashew-based ice creams are recommended for their creamy texture, adding richness to the Vanilla Affogato.
  • Environmental Impact: Opting for plant-based alternatives contributes to a more sustainable food industry.

Importance of Quality Coffee:

Using quality coffee as the foundation ensures a rich and flavorful Vanilla Affogato. Choose your favorite high-quality coffee beans for the best results.


  • Espresso: 30-60 ml (1-2 shots) per serving
  • Vanilla ice cream: 1 scoop per serving

Indulge in the luscious simplicity of a Classic Vanilla Affogato with the goodness of plant-based alternatives!